Using our example of 'kxs'
[filename: .htgroup.domain][filename: .htgroup.kxs]
users: johnsmith suzieq bobusers: johnsmith suzieq bob

The .htpasswd file

Using our example of 'kxs'
[filename: .htpasswd.domain][filename: .htpasswd.kxs]
The file .htaccess goes into the directory that you want to password protect. So, if I wanted to protect:
Using our example of 'kxs'
then you would put the .htaccess file in /www/private/.htaccess
Make sure that the .htgroup.domain and .htpasswd.domain files are not accessible to the rest of the internet by placing them in a directory outside of your web space ( /not-www ).
When you login to your account, you will see several directories. One of them is called 'www'. Anything placed into 'www' will be immediately available on the web. So before going into 'www', make a new directory and call it 'web_access'. Now when you login, you should see 'www' and 'web_access' at the same level. Anything you put into 'web_access' will NOT be available to the internet. This is where you should put the .htgroup and .htpasswd files.

The directory structure may look something like this:

Using our example of 'kxs'
Put a list of all the usernames that you want to be able to access the site in the .htgroup.domain file. This is a whitespace-separated list of usernames who are in the group 'users' (this is what we put in the .htaccess file where we required a person to be in the group 'users' in order to access the site).
Then, the last thing we need to do is put the users and their encrypted passwords in the .htpasswd.domain file. We have created a web page that allows you to encrypt your passwords. Once encrypted, all you need to do is to cut and paste the information into your .htpassword file and upload it to your site. Be sure to upload the file as 'text'.
This information is provided for use by KxS® customers. Although this page is available for viewing by the general public, we can only provide support for KxS® customers.